Sunday, October 28, 2007

Monster's First: Class

After work on Friday night, Stef and I took the Monster to Women and Infant's Hospital for our first class (of, like, five) related to his eventual birth. The class was called: "Hospital Tour and So Much More," and it was helpful, if only to see what the room will look like where Monster will be born and to learn the administrative processes of the hospital. A map would have been nice for the tour, but other than that, it was useful. Mostly, it helped calm our nerves regarding the mundane questions like: how do we get there, where do we park... stuff like that.


Jim W said...

How again did Stef manage those tiny desk-and-chair combos for the whole class?

Marcus Howell said...

Note: Most photos on this site not actually taken by us; are metaphorical in nature.

Stefanie said...

I feel a little better now that we at least know where to check in, especially since they lock all of the doors except one after 8pm.

I was a little disappointed, though. All in all, it's really just a hospital. I guess I thought a place that caters to new moms and babies would be a little cozier, or at least not quite so institutional looking.

They do have an "Alternative Birthing Center" for low-risk pregnancies being delivered by midwives. It is a suite with a full sized bed and kitchenette/ living room area for the family. It is meant for women who want to feel like they are giving birth at home, but don't want to clean up the mess. To me it seemed more like giving birth in a hotel room. We'll stick with the hospital.